
  • Zainul Arifin STAI Ma'had Aly AL-Hikam Malang
  • Alfirah Umamah STAI Ma'had Aly AL-Hikam Malang
  • Ulya Mumaddah STAI Ma'had Aly AL-Hikam Malang
  • Ajizah Mutiara Inwar STAI Ma'had Aly AL-Hikam Malang



Tutoring is the guidance given by experts to assist individuals in facing and solving problems related to learning.The purpose of tutoring is directing students to his potential optimally. In the process of learning activities, the teacher’s task is to guide students to find various potentials. Tutoring is provided to students of Supit Urang Village Karangploso. the difficulty and cost of an obstacle course for most students. The objective of this activity is to assist students in improving students’ motivation to learn. The method used in this study guidance activities is a method of assisted props discussion. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach that is data analysis that emphasizes the meaning, reasoning, definition of a particular situation (in a particular context) and describes what it is about the behavior of the object being studied. Data collection tool is the method of observation, interviews and documentation, while in the processing and analysis of data steps used are data reduction, data display is the process of selecting and simplifying data, display power is the presentation of data in full and verification of data is the process of drawing conclusions. By using the above methods it can be concluded that the application of tutoring in improving student learning outcomes in Supit Urang Village Karangploso is by showing effective ways of learning that is providing technical guidance about learning so that learning difficulties are experienced can be completed, helping to prepare themselves in carrying out tasks and examinations so that they have preparation in accepting the objectives and tasks given, showing ways to deal with difficulties in learning that is by identifying cases, identifying problems, making diagnoses, making prognoses, conducting treatments and doing evaluation and follow-up and assist in the development of talents and careers in the future, namely by recognizing the potential, interests, talents that exist in learners then provide guidance to determine what options will continue to major after graduating.

Keywords: Discussion Method, props, Tutoring, Learning Outcomes

Author Biography

Zainul Arifin, STAI Ma'had Aly AL-Hikam Malang


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