Improving Students’ English Skill by Using The Papets (Paper Puppets) Learning Media


  • Joko Prayudha S. Universitas Bengkulu


English skill, Learning Media, Papets, Paper Puppets.


Fun learning can make students interested in participating in a lesson. The teacher as the main key in the classroom must have various ways to attract students' interest in learning. One way that teachers can do to attract students' interest in learning is with use teaching media. Media or teaching tools are tools that can be used to stimulate students in learning various kinds of material, especially English. The use of learning media can also help teachers in transferring knowledge to students in a fun way. One of the learning media that teachers can do is the use of the Papets (Paper Puppets) media. This study aims to see how far the paper puppets learning media can improve students' understanding in learning English. The research was conducted in one of the elementary schools in Bengkulu province. The method used in this research is qualitative using a descriptive approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews and direct field practice in schools. Then the data is analyzed by going through several stages namely; data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results showed that students were very enthusiastic about learning English by using the papets media. In addition, interesting and funny pictures also make students excited so that students' knowledge of English increases very well.



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