Communication Strategy based of Social Media in Introduction to Jumantara Written Batik Kediri's


  • Choiru Umatin IAIN Kediri, Indonesia
  • Novi Rosita Rahmawati IAIN Kediri, Indonesia
  • Ratna Dzahabi IAIN Kediri, Indonesia


One of the reasons why people are not familiar with a product or service is the lack of publication. The lack of publicity causes the targeted consumers to not know the existence of the product or service being offered. Batik Tulis Jumantara is a traditional batik business located in Kediri and has not utilized the publication media to its full potential. In introducing Jumantara Batik to the public, it is necessary to plan the right communication strategy so that people can easily recognize it even from home. Communication strategies that can be used are publications through social media accompanied by creative ideas in order to attract interest and reach a wider market. The purpose of this research is to introduce Batik Jumantara Kediri to the wider community as one of the quality traditional batiks unique of Kediri. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method with descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by observing and interviewing online and offline as well as literature studies. The results showed that the introduction of Jumantara's Batik Tulis with social media-based strategies was very effective and efficient in attracting many people to see it.
Keywords: communication strategy, social media, batik



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