
  • Hidayatus Sholihah Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang
  • A. Zaenurrosyid A. Zaenurrosyid Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang
  • Abdullah Arief Cholil Universitas Sultan Agung Semarang


HR Management, Primary Daqu School, Tahfidz, Student Achievement


The quality of human resources is very important for the progress of an institution. However, the quality of human resources in Indonesia is ranked the lowest in ASEAN based on Human Development Reports. Educational institutions, especially private ones, really need quality human resources in order to survive in organizing good and quality education programs and competing with existing public education. This research is qualitative research with the research subjects of the principal, teachers, employees, and several parties related to Daqu Primary School Semarang. Data was collected through participant observation, interviews, and documentation. The technique applied to measure the validity of the data is triangulation. Data analysis through data reduction; presenting and verifying data. It is found in human resource management research, especially in SDIT Daarul Qur'an Islamic Primary School Semarang, which has implemented HR management patterns including; HR planning, recruitment, types of selection, training and development programs, performance appraisals, compensation, health programs, HR relations programs effectively. In addition, the majority of Human Resources of this school are still fresh graduates and, these good human resources have an impact on the excellence of students achievement who are not only good in academic achievement but also in Tahfidz (memorization of the Qur'an).


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